1Nephi 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandements unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Aloha from Oahu!

April 16, 2012

Hey everyone! I did get my packages! Thank you very much. Elder Kibaimoa and I enjoyed them thoroughly. He especially loved the chicken egg thing, haha. Thanks for the cds as well.  Elder Kibaimoa is getting transferred, Bummer, another single transfer companion. He is going off island though so I’m stoked for him. He will love it. I don’t know who my new comp is yet. More than half our zone is leaving and my district is changing too.  Elder Packer who is in my district now got called to be district leader here. We are still not quite sure what new areas exactly will be our districts but we do know they mixed them up somehow. Elder Packer is Elder Boyd K. Packer's grandson,  haha,  just thought I would let you know.  

Can you please let our friends and family know that I would freak out if I see them here in Hawaii while on my mission and it would be too hard to refocus. Hope that is that ok?

Oh by the way, my comp, Elder Kibaimoa knows Katutu (Jacob).  He said he gave him a send off party when he left. Small world…

Thanks for that story of Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. That's always a good reminder. I liked what the stake pres. Asked… “what can we do to better our lives and better other’s lives because I think the answer to those questions would be a similar answer. I have noticed that when I forget myself and just try to serve others without seeking recognition for  myself it not only makes me feel better but betters somebody else life as well. Elder Gardner gave a little mini training about that when he came out with Elder Maughan and I. He gave us a list of times when we think about ourselves. For example, when popularity becomes a priority, or when spiritual things like reading scriptures or going to church become a hassle…, it didn’t take long before I realized I think many of those things almost daily... That really helped me to know how to better serve the Lord and others around me. It is still hard to not think those things and but I'm able to see them now and work on them.

Well, we found some pretty solid investigators this week. One of which we meet while service tracting last week and she was amazed that we would just walk around to give service to anyone which peaked her interest. We taught her the restoration and she was very interested.  I'm really excited for her.  It seems like things are picking up a little bit here. I hope we can keep it up.

I love you guys. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Elder Pincock

April 9, 2012
Hey everyone!  It has been a great day today because I got to go to the temple for the first time in a year!  That is why we didn't email yesterday because today became our pday so we could go to the temple.  It was very pretty.  Laie is beautiful.  I LOVE THE TEMPLE!  I feel so peaceful today.  Last night we stayed at the Waialua Elder's pad.  We were up until like 2am so I am super tired today.  It was an interesting night.  We just listened to Kiribati stories and hoped that the rats rustling around in there food wouldn't come eat our feet at night.  We had a Zone exchange too.  That's where we go with another missionary in our zone.  I was with Elder Harris.  We had a competition going of who could get the most oyms, w/dates, new investigators, high fives, and the most shoes at one doorstep.  We found 180 shoes at one door step!  We still didn't win over all.  Elder Kibaimoa actually did.

We also had "one day training" this week in Laie.  President and Sister Dalton and the AP’s (Elder Gardner is still one of those) trained us on the 8 fundamental principles, which is pretty much the Gospel of Jesus Christ, (Faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end).

Well Easter was good.  We went to Bishop Kanahele's house for Easter and ate with their family.  It was pretty fun.  They have a funny family.  We had an investigator come to church too so that was awesome.  She loved it and said they would come back but they are leaving for the rest of this month to the mainland somewhere.  Hopefully we can catch them when they come back.
I did not receive those packages yet.  I haven't checked today though.  I'll have to keep my eyes open for that Jacob Katutu from Kiribati.  That is interesting that you found someone from there, haha.  My comps first name is Matitan.  He's from a super small skinny island, Kiribati.

Mom I wanted to tell you that I greatly appreciate your prayers and I ask the same things for you guys every night.  Oh by the way tell Riley I said congrats on his Eagle.  That’s awesome!
Transfers are this next Sunday.  I think I may be getting a new companion.  We will see.  I don't know how I will be able to handle these two areas, haha.  I'm still trying to get to know who is in what ward, and you guys know how good my memory is.  Plus both wards meet at the same time so I only get to see everyone one every other week.  Maybe I will still have Elder Kibaimoa to help me out.  

Well I love you guys.  Have a great day.  Thanks for your prayers and support.
Elder Pincock

April 2, 2012

Hey everyone.  Thanks for the emails and such.  I am in a bit of a hurry today so it may be a little short.
This week was awesome although a little slow for missionary work.  We had President interviews.  I also had my first baptism interview with two investigators of Mililani 2nd ward.  They both got baptized this weekend.  Also, Elder Kibaimoa received his blessing, I was there for it and  it was awesome.  The spirit was very strong.
The bad part of this week was that I got a speeding ticket... I was soooo mad!  $147,  I guess they just slowly take it from my card every month.  Bummer! Maybe I need to go back to Molokai??? Haha, Just kidding, I will just slow down!
We have also been teaching these people, I don't know if I talked about them before but they pretty much want us to convert to their religion.  Last time I went with Elder Schmerse who is our Zone Leader and we were there for 4 hours!  They don't want us stop coming either.  Next time we are going to have to be firm.
Well sorry but I have to go.  Everyone is waiting on me and that is pretty much all of it though.
Love you guys.  Thanks for your support.  The house is looking good!
Elder Pincock

March 26, 2012
What's up. So Ty and Skye are finally in their new house. I need to see it. I better get some pictures ASAP! Sounds like you guys are all doing well. Andrew is home and slim? Man, haha,  I'm a little jealous.  Please only send healthy treats in my Easter package!!
As for me I'm doing great. The whole new calling thing is going good, I think haha. I like it though because it forces me to learn more. Mom asked what I do. I'm the district leader so I watch over our district which is 4 elders... well 6 but I don't really have to worry about the Zone leaders. I train them every Tuesday in District meeting and just kind of make sure they are doing good.

The work is picking up here. We are finding people to teach. Teaching mostly less active and part members which is good. We found 3 new investigators. They were taught already by the missionaries before and we went back and shared a message with them and they said we could come back on Wednesday. They live in Waipiolani. We are also going back to one of our new investigators in Mililani tomorrow. Our last visit with them was really kind of funny because they go new hope church or something and the invited us over. When we came he was asking us all of these question like about all the Mormon myths and whatnot and wouldn't really let us teach the lesson. They ended up trying to tell us that they really wanted us to read what the bible "really says" about being saved by grace and not by works... They were severely concerned for our salvation, haha. Which was nice of them but they pretty much told us that we would be going to hell if we kept believing in the Book of Mormon. So they offered to make us dinner tomorrow and "ask us a few more questions", haha I really hope they are willing to listen this time. They are very nice people though.

Elder Kibaimoa is doing awesome. Still working on the english. The other day he was eating some pie, and he liked it a lot so he goes, "This pie is freak my life."... haha,  not really the correct use of that phrase, haha, he is way cool though.
Well I love you guys. I will see you later... and talk to you on the phone soon (Mothers Day)!   Elder Pincock

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