1Nephi 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandements unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wow sounds like it has been a busy week at home.  I hope everything goes well in this next week.  As for me it has been getting a little better.  I am getting to know my comp, Elder Brown a little bit better.  His first name his Chris! Yes, my friends, my companion is named Chris Brown, Hahaha.  He is getting used to Ocean View, everyone has to, haha, it isn't exactly Boise, Idaho.  We are still trying to figure out the area and we are constantly looking on the maps because ironically my memory is still bad as a missionary! Haha

As for the teaching, it is going way better!  We were able to teach 15 lessons which is alright but 20 is better! We will get there soon.  We had to change Candice and Kanani's baptism date to April 2 and were able to get Candice's daughter Sierra a baptismal date on the same day. Woohoo!  Candice has pretty much become like my big sister here, haha, sorry Skye.  I think Skye would actually get along with her pretty well.  She is awesome. 

I am in need of more power bars please, I ran out today so if you could send those asap that would be great.  I am gaining so much weight! It is so hard to keep it down when everybody feeds me like I am royalty, haha, but I will keep trying and keep doing my insanity. I have to visualize Dad and Bmoney next to me when I do insanity as it is kind of hard to do it by yourself with no music, so I have to get creative.

I don't really have any other special experiences this week.  Although Bulu’s baptism is coming up two Saturdays from now! Woohoo! He is ready and excited.  He has been through so much.  I'm so excited for him to be baptized. 

Today we had a pretty layed back pday so we decided to have a little fun by ourselves because the zone leaders don't want us to come up to Hilo for zone pday because it takes too many miles... ugh... but anyway we decided to try out the mentos and diet coke thing, haha, it was Awesome!  I took video of it so you will be able to see it. 

I am running out of time as Skye sent me quite the email, which i am very thankful for, but I am now out of time. 

Mahalo everyone!

P.S. I think I am going to start sending a pigeon word of the week.  Pigeon is pretty much hawaiian english japanese and pretty much everything mixed into one and people speak like that here.  The word today is “Dakine” which means pretty much anything, haha, used in a sentence, like… Oh hey could you pass me the Dakine?(ketchup)  OH we are just going over to dakines house (who's ever house you are talking about)  It is pretty much a universal word and I am still confused as you can imagine when people use it. Hahaha

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