1Nephi 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandements unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mission Stuff - Elder Bigbear Pincock

Hey, How are you guys doing?  Did receive your email yet today… I did receive a pictures and that strawberry mule ride looked so nice!  Me, Elder Allen, and Elder Workman had a Trunky Tuesday where we sang country songs all day and it really made me want to ride a mule, haha.  Well let me think of what happened this week...  Oh yeah!  We taught a guy the other day who used to be in a gang and he was like one of the nicest guys I ever met...it was unexpected.  He is a member but less active and he wants to start getting back into church.  He said God has helped him turn his life around.   He is a really nice guy and hopefully we can help him. 
Elder Workman got chased by a dog the other day, haha.  We were knocking on a door and this dog was growling at us but it didn't even phase Elder Workman.  He just kept on walking, but then when we walked up to the door it tried to eat me so I stayed back haha.  Well it just sat there and growled at Elder Workman while he was waiting for the door to open but no one answered so he turned around, but not without trash talking the dog a little bit, haha, and right when he turns his back to the dog he has to book it out of there…he was screaming and laughing haha! Luckily it was on a chain.  It was pretty funny. 
Well the work right now is still a little slow...  We really need to find more investigators.  We have one with a date but then she didn't come to church so not really now at this point.  We have had a few new investigators but it’s moving slow.  Hopefully we will find those people who are prepared soon.  We are working our butts off, of course.  It's gonna pay off sometime, haha.  I'm really learning how to be a more effective missionary though.   We have been trying to work through the members more.  It seems like they have been talking more to their friends but no one interested yet, haha.   We are having another movie night.  We will be showing the Testaments.  Hopefully we will have some more people come to that than last time.  The ward is also having a ward picnic and they are supposed to invite nonmembers, but guess where it is at?  THE BEACH! Haha, they just gotta rub it in a little bit more, haha just kidding. 
Hey if you wanted you could send me some protein bars.  That would be nice.  I have also been thinking of my birthday and I think I know what I want.  Brace yourself because you definitely haven't heard these words ever come out of my mouth...  I would like some books for my birthday... weird right haha!!  They are the Book of Mormon made easier and there is like 3 volumes and then also the New Testament made easier.  They are by David J. Ridges.  They're awesome and helpful!  I definitely would recommend them.  It explains so much about it a little simpler.  I believe you can get them at Deseret Book. 
Well that is all for now, hope I get an email from you a little later.
Elder Bigbear Pincock
P.S.  I love being on a mission

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